Am I eligible to opt out?
Like every other college or university, the health and dental plan at the College of New Caledonia(CNC) is a universal service, meaning that everyone who is eligible is included. However, if you already have coverage for extended health and dental benefits, usually through an employer or family member, you can opt out of the plan provided by the Students’ Union. To be able to opt-out, your existing coverage needs to be equivalent to the Students’ Union’s plan. BC Medical Services Plan is not considered an extended health and dental plan for purposes of opting out.
What is equivalent coverage?
Extended health and dental insurance commonly includes benefits such as prescription medication, paramedical and extended health services and products, and comprehensive dental coverage, each at a level that provides tangible benefits. Equivalent coverage would be a plan that has these essential elements, and is generally provided through a parent, spouse or employer. Examples of things that are not equivalent coverage include basic BC government (or other provincial) medical coverage, travel insurance, emergency medical coverage, and certain individual coverage packages.
Equivalent coverage doesn’t necessarily mean good coverage
Many benefit plans can still leave you with huge financial shortfalls for necessary treatments, prescription drugs or dental procedures. Compare your existing coverage and your bills from last year, and make sure you have enough coverage through your current benefit plan before opting out of the Students’ Union’s plan. Details of the Students’ Union plan can be found under WHAT’S COVERED. If you don’t think your current coverage is sufficient, consider keeping the Students’ Union coverage as well in order to make sure you are fully covered (having two plans means that you can claim from one plan for expenses that are not covered by the other).
Coverage with First Nations Health Authority & Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (Social Assistance)
Those students covered by these services do qualify to opt out. It is important to note that the Students’ Union plan covers paramedical services such as physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy (with prescription), acupuncture, naturopath, speech therapy, podiatrist or chiropodist, which are excluded from government-sponsored care. The Students’ Union plan also includes robust pharmaceutical coverage which exceeds these plans. Mental health support is also part of the Students’ Union plan, with access to services with a counsellor, social worker or psychologist. Students can enjoy coverage from both plans and are invited to learn more about plan coverage before opting out.
Students who opt out of these plans are not eligible to opt back into the plan at a later date.
When can I opt out?
The opt-out site is open year-round, but that does not mean that you can opt out at any time. The deadline to opt out is Friday, September 13th, 2024, at 4pm. Please check your student record if you are unsure of the health and dental payment due date/opt out deadline.
Late requests to opt out will not be accepted because those not opted out by the deadline will have already been enrolled in the Students’ Union’s plan.
When does my opt-out take effect?
By completing the opt-out process through this website, a request to opt out is sent to the Students’ Union, who processes that request by evaluating your information and ensuring that the equivalent coverage is valid. This process can sometimes take a few days or even a few weeks when volumes are high. Be sure to check your student record after the opt-out deadline to ensure the fee is removed and contact the Students’ Union if it looks as though your opt-out was not successful.
How long does my opt out last?
Once you have applied to opt out and your request has been accepted, your student record is updated to reflect that you have declined the service in respect of your equivalent coverage. This remains your status for one single year only. To maintain your opt-out status in future years, you would need to complete the process again for each year of your enrolment at CNC.
Can I opt back into the plan if I lose my coverage?
No, you are not able to opt back in if you lose your existing coverage. However, you would be included in the plan in the following year if you returned to CNC as a full-time student or you decided to opt in as a part-time student.